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Travel Program Overview

  • This is a competitive program.
  • Two (60-90 minute) evaluations by high school coaches for all travel registrations.  Girls must be able to play at a “travel” level and there must be enough girls for full teams in the grade level. Some girls could be recommended for the in house or rec travel program.
  • Our preferred team size is 9 players on all teams. However, exceptions may be made to this depending on numbers. The maximum number of players on any team is 10 unless otherwise approved by the Board of Directors.
  • Equal playing time expectations depend on age level.  Attendance, attitude, and effort can be factors in determining playing time at all levels.
  • All head coaches apply and are selected through an application/interview process.  Parent coaches for grades 4-6, unless a qualified parent does not volunteer.   Qualified paid coaches for grades 7-8 if viable non-member candidates are available.

Traditional Calendar



Travel Season

Mid-October through March

  • 2 90-minute practices per week

  • Weekend Tournaments

    • Grade 4 - up to 8 tournaments

    • Grade 5 - up to 9 tournaments

    • Grades 6 thru 8 - up to 10 tournaments


Could include one overnight tournament which could require a hotel stay.


MYAS State Tournament is traditionally the end of the winter season in late February or early March

Note:  Coaches/players in Grades 3-8 can organize spring teams to participate in MYAS tournaments at their own discretion.

Travel Program Handbook

Travel Overview Roadmap

Travel Program Costs

4th Grade

October - February

  • Registration + Gear Fee : $125 
  • Travel Fee: $270
  • Total Travel Cost: $395
  • Practice Jersey : $12 (reusable)
  • Fall Training Option - $115
  • $300 Volunteer Deposit

5th Grade

October - February

  • Registration + Gear Fee : $125 
  • Travel Fee: $325
  • Total Travel Cost: $450
  • Practice Jersey : $12 (reusable)
  • Fall Training Option - $115
  • $300 Volunteer Deposit

6th-8th Grade

October - February

  • Registration + Gear Fee : $125 
  • Travel Fee: $380
  • Total Travel Cost: $505
  • Practice Jersey : $12 (reusable)
  • Fall Training Option - $115
  • $300 Volunteer Deposit

Parent Volunteering Information - DIBS

As part of our basketball program registration process, each family is required to: 

1) Issue SGBA a $300 volunteer “deposit” check at the beginning of the season, and

2) Volunteer 6 hours of time during the annual SGBA Shoot for the Stars Tournament.

The total number of hours required is dependent on the total number of teams participating in our tournament. This volunteer deposit ensures that each family will complete this requirement. As such, the deposit will be held (not cashed) by SGBA until the volunteer hours are claimed (see DIBS volunteer section below). If this requirement is not fulfilled by the end of the SFTS Tournament, the check will be cashed and deposited into the SGBA account.

The SGBA Shoot for the Stars Tournament is our primary annual fundraiser and helps ensure we keep registration costs low. Hosting this tournament would be impossible if we did not have the strong volunteer support from our parents year-after-year. The SFTS Tournament helps us avoid other fundraisers that require our kids / parents selling coupon cards, wrapping paper door-to-door, or other time-consuming activities.

Shoot for the Stars Tournament will be December 10th and 11th, 2022 and the volunteer signup tool called "DIBS" will open sometime in November to allow parents the opportunity to choose volunteer shifts during the tournament. An email announcement will be sent out when the DIBS tool is open / active.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact an SGBA board member.

Thanks and GO SABERS!